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Comparison between the Jiayu G3 and the Galaxy S2 Lite

What are the requirements for making a fair comparison between two phones? I made this question to myself a few times and the best answer I got is: have price similar.

Phones that are at the same level of price can be compared to Dick Dick, and this is the case of Jiayu G3 and the Samsung Galaxy S2 Lite. Someone could even claim: But why not compare with S2 Full (not the lite version) or the Galaxy S3? Very simple reason: both cost, even in China, about of 1,5 to 2,5 times the price of Chinese G3.

Below we have, side by side, both phones for comparison: the Jiayu G3 (left) and the Galaxy S2 Lite (right).

The G3 costs 203 dollars on Pandawill, While the S2 Lite costs around 800 to 900 real in Brazil and about 330 dollars in China. Even including tax and a small freight rate, the Jiayu G3 marks his first point: is the cheapest. Score 1×0 for the G3.

Below we have both connected with the maximum brightness, and so one can see that the brightness of the S2 lite is more intense, Although the resolution is better in the G3. In this way we have the score 2 x 1 for the Chinese.

Both look similar but the G3 has newer operating system, Android 4.0, While the S2 Lite still runs Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Someone may even question me because there are android ROMs 4.0 and 4.1 for the S2, but these are not official and have software problems. We have, so, score another one for the G3: 3×1!

The configuration menu is more beautiful in the S2 Lite, with the colorful style of Samsung. However, the fact that you can turn on and off bluetooth and WiFi configuration direct, Android feature ICS, brings slight edge to the G3. In my opinion we have tie, IE, the score still 3×1.

The Dialer is similar, anything that protrudes enough to give advantage to any one of the two mobile phones.

The camera is clearly better on G3, because it has 8 m pixels against 5 m from S2 Lite. However, mega pixels are not the only important information. I think the photo taken with S2 lite seems to have less noise than a photo taken by G3. To improve so you can increase the exposure of the G3 camera to reduce noise in photos in low light. Would point to the S2 Lite wasn't very interesting panoramic photos system that comes with all Android 4.0, IE, is present in the G3. In this way, draw and the score still 3×1 for the G3.

Look at the front-facing camera present in both cell phones: made to take auto-fotos or use the video call. Both work much like. Nothing different here!

The S2 Lite retrieves points on comparison of thickness of the phone. The Jiayu is really too thick, While the design of the S2 Lite is more practical and clearly more beautiful. Point to the Samsung! We have the score in 3×2.

On the back of the camera, flash and speakerphone. Here we give points for both cell phones. The Samsung S2 Lite is clearly more resistant on battery cover and in its physical construction, but the G3 WINS in fact have Gorilla Glass screen that doesn't scratch. The S2 Lite has plastic screen that can scratch, which requires the use of a protective film of LCD. The current score is in 4×3 for the G3.

Both have HDMI micro connector and contrary to what you say on the internet, None of them supported the MHD to connect the phone on TV with HDMI input. No difference here!

And the Benchmark? Victory of the G3 for about 300 points. The victory of G3 is even more significant considering that the Chinese model resolution is 720 p while the S2 Lite has 480 p resolution. Point clear to the G3, score 5×3.

Here some hardware features that can make a difference in benchmarking: the Jiayu has a processor dualcore 1.2 GHz of the s2 Lite has a dual core 1 GHz. The other features are quite similar.

More hardware features for comparison, provided by AnTuTu software.

A few more features shown by AnTuTu. Here we have a very significant advantage for G3, the fact that you have 1 GB of RAM. It makes a difference to run several programs at the same time. The S2 Lite has only 512 MB. Point to the G3: 6×3!

On drums we have a good fight. Samsung has an integrated system to the Kernel that saves battery, that certainly makes a lot of difference. However, the G3 comes with 1500mAh battery 2750mAh against the S2 Lite: result, the Chinese win the brute force! Score: 7×3 for the G3.

Used here a program to compare both screens, and apparently it's not exactly the brightness which is best in the S2 Lite, but the contrast (or will the gamma) of the screen. I've given this point to the S2 so the picture below serves only as visual comparison.

Red more intense on the S2 Lite. Good idea from Samsung, Red makes more difference in photos and videos.

Green slightly better for the S2 Lite.

Blue much like, still a little better for the S2. The display from Samsung is certainly better than the provided by the Chinese.

Color contrast very similar, a little brighter in the S2.

Below is a sample of browsers on both phones. Samsung did a good adaptation of the android browser 2.3, that is sucks, What makes pretty good compared with the android Browser 4.0.

At the end, We have to make one more point for the G3 to have larger screen Jiayu (4.7 against 4.0) and two points for the S2 Lite by having warranty here in Brazil. The end result is: 8×5.

Of course the personal decision could make all the difference here. Some people may find a particular technical characteristic more or less important, and so, promote a cell phone at the expense of another. This text does not have, logically, any technical or scientific rigor. Even so, It is the opinion of the owner of this blog that the Jiayu G3 gives a shower of S2 Lite even costing 25% less (including taxes).

Don't imagine you the Jiayu G3 do ugly against the Galaxy S2 complete (i9100). Would draw on several counts with the G3 gaining in price and newest software (Android 4). But of course the price difference between the two would make a huge difference in quality. Against the Galaxy S3, the G3 lose ugly, winning just on price.

Anyone who wants to know more about both phones (Jiayu G3 and Samsung Galaxy S2 Lite) You can follow the links below:

– Sale of the Galaxy S2 Lite DealExtreme (with specs) – http:///p/samsung-galaxy-s-advance-i9070-android-2-3-wcdma-bar-phone-w-4-0-capacitive-and-gps-black-8gb-142658

– Review of S2 Lite on –

– Sale of Jiayu G3 in DealExtreme (with specs) – http:///p/jiayu-g3-android-4-0-wcdma-smartphone-w-4-5-capacitive-screen-wi-fi-gps-and-dual-sim-black-186239

– Specifications of S2 Lite –

– Sale of Jiayu G3 on PandaWill –

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.


  1. Galley Primu

    Dear Adriano, I am interested in one on mobile, the choices are many, What sugereria me?? follow the two models that caught the most attention:

    ZOPO C2 (

    Jiayu G4 from the link below

    • I'd buy the G4, actually, for now I would buy the same as the G3 G4 continues with inventory problems. The Zopo C2 is a big risk, an expensive phone and OS is not Android, is a Aliyum. I would like to get my hands on this Aliyum and get an idea of how bad (or good) He is. But without a lot of information, I went from G4 (G3 as the G4 stock continue problematic).

      • Galley Primu

        Pull, I didn't realize that wasn't android, the site mentions that is android. Thanks for the tip, excellent site!

  2. Diego Da Silveira

    Where you took that s2 lite is single core? He is dual core.

    • Thanks for the correction, you're right. Apparently the difference in benchmarking can be just the fact of the G3 have 1.2 GHz of clock while the S2 Lite has 1 GHz. The page has been corrected! Thank you!

  3. The Gs2 without being the lite ta tb in version 4.1.2

  4. I have a brand new for sale, If you're interested….beautiful materia! Very good observations, congratulations!

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