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Micro sd card reader

MicroUSB card needed for my many Chinese devices. There were cell phones, tablets and GPS devices need more memory and I needed to act! That's when I found these cards of 4 GB or 8 GB that comes with readers.

A good thing! Why not join two products as required. You can take the card and put on your mobile, keeping the reader on the desk. If you need to transfer your data from the phone to the computer, You can do using the reader, What is usually a lot faster.

I ordered two sets and came a yellow and another pink. This is a common thing of Chinese sites, normally you can't request a specific color. If you want a lot can even try sending an Email asking. The yellow broke a part that holds the card, Although it has not crashed.

At the time I bought, the most common was card of 4 GB. Today the lower is the 8 GB.

The card is well protected in case you want to keep in your Pocket. There is a cord that serves to hold the plastic sheeting when the reader is being used, IE, connected to a USB.

For those who want to, Here I leave the links to readers with 4 GB and 8 GB

4GB –

8GB – = M0106

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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