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Toy fish activated by water

How about a cheap toy fish to animate the baby bath?

In the box comes a goldfish, a plastic plant, a screwdriver and two lr44 batteries reservations. The fish comes with two batteries installed.

There's the fish. The construction is very simple because the only moving part is the tail.

Fish is good painted, but the expense.

Looks like Nemo! Must be the Cheno: Nemo Chinese!

See the detail of the tail, the only moving part that makes the fish swim alone. The fish begin to swim automatically as soon as water is!

On the sides there are two electrodes to realize when the electrical resistance decreases, IE, When the fish is inserted in the water. The fish can also be activating touching the finger in two electrodes.

This is the plant is plastic, that needs to be stuck in something in the bottom of the tank to not float.

The key serves to change the batteries of the fish and remove (or put) a small internal weight to adjust the swim if the fish is going really to the Fund or to the surface.

I put the peixei for anything on my bathroom sink tub. Guaranteed fun!

Look how it was fun the test in my sink:

A very interesting toy for any age, Although I expected something better for the price, about of 5 U.S. dollars. I leave below links to several fishes of this type purchased in DealExtreme:

About Adriano

Professor, Engineer and buyer of products crazy China.

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